Vinny Ohh

Vinny Ohh is a genderless ‘Instafamous’ model and MUA. Residing in America and star of Plastics of Hollywood, Vinny has made no secret of the desire to remove his genitals and become truly sexless. A procedure such as this has major connotations, the ability to reproduce or engage in penetrative sexual activity is eliminated and the general fundamentals of urinating will be greatly challenged.

Credit – vinnyohh Instagram


The day-to-day look of this fabulous genderless role model is exuberant and inventive. As a make up artist Vinny has utilized products to emanate a sexless and very futuristic look. Vinny has undergone numerous plastic surgery treatments, spending allegedly $50,000, all in his journey to become completely non-binary. The desire to remove his genitals is accompanied with removing both nipples and belly button; this would give him a true inhuman ‘alien’ aesthetic.

Credit – vinnyohh Instagram


Vinny has of course garnered followers that truly admire his boldness and desire to become absolutely genderless, this of course goes hand in hand with members of the public who misinterpret the inner message that Vinny portrays and this results in abusive commentary on Instagram posts and verbal abuse. Vinny has been brave enough to bare his inner self publicly, many individuals internally struggle with this daily, so voicing his journey to becoming the ‘ideal Vinny’ will open up several doors for the genderless community.